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How Hard Is It to Switch IT Companies?

Although switching IT companies can be a complicated, risky process, it doesn’t have to be. Are you aware of the steps you can take to enjoy a stress-free transition? Discover how you can prepare your organization for the change.

written by paul bush posted on November 22, 2020

How Hard Is It to Switch IT Companies?

Although switching IT companies can be a complicated, risky process, it doesn’t have to be. Are you aware of the steps you can take to enjoy a stress-free transition? Discover how you can prepare your organization for the change.

If you’re reading this, you are probably having second thoughts about your current IT services provider. Whatever it is they are doing wrong, when it’s time to switch IT companies, you need a strategic plan. Because your current IT company has administrative access to your network, you need to plan the switch carefully.

As a leading managed IT services company, OneSource Technology has witnessed some hostile transitions over the years. And for the most part, poor planning is at the core of messy IT company switch overs.

Are you considering switching to an IT services company with solutions that match your organization’s unique needs?

Here’s a short YouTube video on what you need to know first:

YouTube video

What Are the Potential Pitfalls of Switching IT Companies?

  • Network Downtime: For most business owners, extended downtime is arguably the most significant concern. However, with the right plan, you can switch IT Companies with minimal disruptions.
  • Loss or Corruption of Data: Misconfigurations and misplaced files are standard features of many stressful transitions.
  • Hostile IT Companies: There’s always a chance your current IT company might try to impede your transition either by harming your network or creating backdoors.

When Should You Switch IT Companies? Likely, you already have your reasons for rethinking your relationship with your current IT company. To be fair, the red flags are often impossible to miss. But in case some of the warning signs escaped your vigilance.

Here’s a list of the key signs that it’s time to switch IT Companies:

  • You Wait Too Long for Support: Whenever a technology setback disrupts your operation, you lose valuable income.
  • You Have Recurring IT Problems: Does it matter how responsive your IT company is if you have to call for help every other day?
  • You’re Not Familiar With Your IT Team: You need an IT team that is familiar with your network’s ins and outs.
  • You Constantly Pay Extra Charges: If your invoices are regularly filled with extra charges, then it’s time to find an IT partner that has your best interest at heart.

How Can You Prepare to Change IT Companies?

  • Maintain Control Over Your Network: To ensure your current IT company doesn’t hold you ransom, you need to maintain full administrative access to your system.
  • Map Your Network: You need to document essential network information, including login credentials, to help your new IT company navigate your network.
  • Secure Your Data: You need a secure data back-up plan to prevent any accidental deletions or omissions.
  • Conduct a Security Review: Ask your new IT company to review your network to ensure there are no back doors left by your previous IT company.
  • Set Up a Transition Period: Your new IT company should be flexible enough to provide a transition phase in case your current one becomes uncooperative.
  • Time Your Switch: Only end your current IT agreement when your new IT company is properly placed.

Ready to Switch to the Most Reliable IT Support in South Central Kansas and North Central Oklahoma?

Our OneSource Technology team is here to help your organization switch seamlessly to IT support you can trust.

Call Us Now! (316) 788-1372.

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