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7 Useful Features Of Microsoft On The Web

The sooner you learn about all of the fantastic features from Outlook on the web, the sooner you can start using them in your daily life.

written by paul bush posted on August 8, 2022

7 Useful Features Of Microsoft On The Web That You Don’t Know About

Outlook is a popular tool to use via an app on your phone, but you may not realize that it has broader applications that can be used on the Internet. There are some additional features about Microsoft Outlook on the web that you should know about before logging onto it ever again.

The sooner you learn about all of the fantastic features from Outlook on the web, the sooner you can start using them in your daily life. Without further ado, let’s explore some of these features.

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Suggested Replies

Many of us deal with a barrage of e-mails every day. Our inboxes are flooded with questions and quick responses from other people about information that may or may not be all that relevant to us. There are many e-mails that require a response of some kind simply to let the other person know that you have seen it, but they may not require a full-throated answer. It is nice to have the suggested reply feature from Microsoft Outlook handy in those cases. It will offer potential replies such as:

  • Yes, I do
  • Yes, approved
  • Yes, I have
  • Thanks for the information

These are very short phrases you can send back to the person who e-mailed you. They convey just the amount of information you need without adding a lot of extra fluff that people don’t want to read anyway. Thus, you can hit the themes you are trying to hit without adding any extra burden to someone’s day.

Snooze, Send Later, or Sweep

You retain the option to completely type out an e-mail response before you send it if you wish to do so. Some people want to reply to those who have e-mailed them, but they may not want to send it now. They are not required to. Instead, they can select the option to “send later” from their account. When they do so, they are simply choosing to have their message sent out later than they chose ahead of time.

Sweep allows you to undo a sent message if you made an error (such as forgetting to send a file). You can sweep the message back up and resend it after you have already sent it. It will retract the message from the recipient’s inbox. Of course, they may have already viewed it if you don’t do this quickly enough.

Finally, snooze allows you to ignore messages from a specific sender for a specific period of time. This is best used on automated messages that aren’t relevant to your day-to-day work.

Search Settings

Tweaking the settings in your inbox can be helpful from a productivity standpoint. You get everything set up just the way you want it, and then you don’t have any problems regarding how you view your inbox and what you can see there. It is a beautiful system. However, you may get confused or frustrated if you can’t find something in your settings right when you need it. If that is a problem you run into, you need to use the search settings feature to quickly find exactly what you need from the settings as rapidly as possible.

Just search for the term you are looking for in your settings, and Microsoft Outlook will bring up the relevant settings that can help you get the help you need.

Save Attachments to OneDrive

Attachments are among the most important parts of many e-mails, which is why many people opt to save those attachments so they can bring them up and view them later. This is why it is so nice to know that you can automatically save attachments to your OneDrive when logged in to the account. You might use this feature frequently for important documents sent your way. It is certainly easier than trying to dig them up from your e-mail account each time.

Attach Files from OneDrive

The cloud is a beautiful thing, isn’t it? It allows us to keep all the files we need in a centralized location until we are ready to send them out. Then, when that time comes, we simply select which files we need and ship them out to the relevant parties. Given this, it is often the case that people choose to attach files from their OneDrive account onto the e-mails they need to send out so they can simply make it easier to get relevant information to the right people, specifically when they need it.

Start a Teams Chat

Teams is the instant messenger tool that Microsoft provides its users. It is commonly used for business purposes and even for person-to-person communication if desired. To start a Teams chat with someone who has sent you an e-mail on Outlook, simply do the following:

  • Open their e-mail via Teams
  • Select the Teams icon next to the name of the person who sent the e-mail
  • The Teams chat should pop up automatically with the option to send a message directly to that person
  • You can invite others into the chat if you would like

Teams is a quick way to get in touch with people around the office. It is also extremely helpful when attempting to coordinate with people who may be working from home. Given the number of people who now work from home at least some of the time, it is reasonable that people expect the opportunity to send messages to anyone they need instantly.

Easy Access To Contact Information

The last thing to know about Microsoft Outlook features on the web that you may be missing is the easy access to contact information for anyone who e-mails you. You can click on their name to view the contact information stored about them. You can also see attachments you shared with that person from your recent e-mail history. This is a great way to rest assured that you won’t lose any important attachments deep in your inbox. If you need to recover them, they are right there for you.

For more information about the greatest features of Microsoft Office on the web, please contact us today!


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